Tag Archives: YouTube advertisements

What YouTube Has Become

What has YouTube become?

Click image for enlargement!

 This. What YouTube has become is a(n) ___________.

Many years ago, YouTube was devoid of advertisements. Maybe not completely free of, but free enough of them that the average user could spend hours watching and exploring videos without noticing a single advertisement.

Those were the good times.

Now, it is near impossible to do so. No longer can I watch a YouTube video without my eyes and ears being exposed to the infestation that is YouTube advertisements.

I may not have the slightest inkling of how a company functions, but I do know that advertisements are one of YouTube’s main sources of revenue. I guess it was inevitable for this to happen, by which I am referring to a) advertisements before videos begin and b) huge advertisements on the main page.

I went onto YouTube (South Korea) this afternoon and was met with a huge photograph (and later video) of a woman with the maximum amount of cleavage possible. Did I accidentally type the URL of a pornography site by accident? I would not be surprised if I had.

The URL, however, read www.youtube.com.

This is a major trend in contemporary society. That is, an ongoing competition of inappropriateness — the more = the better. It is found in music, television, movies, advertisements, etc. But what can be done about this? Maybe one day, advertisements will only feature naked people, and people will walk around completely naked.

P.S. The woman’s name in the picture is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Just in case.